My good friend from my high school days and college days lives in Seoul. He came to visit us our first week here. His name is Jeff Lazar. He is a freedom fighter, a documentary filmmaker, and an amateur wrestler. He speaks amazing Korean as he has lived here for 4 years and has few Westerner friends. He sits on the floor comfortably and holds his chopsticks like a champ. He ordered our first good Korean meal for us. For which we were extremely grateful. Hmmm... Donkasu!
Jeff has been working on a highly controversial documentary since he has been here. It is about the mandatory military service required by all young males in the country. The young people here have a very hard time. They go to school from 8a.m. to 9p.m. Then after all their schooling they have to go to the military for two years. I feel extremely lucky to have been born where I was and not have to worry about this much responsibility as a youngin. Not surprisingly, South Korea has the highest suicide rate for young people in the world. They like to jump off buildings. His project is about guys in Seoul who have been imprisoned for not going to the military. And when they get out of prison, they have to go back in... to the military. I hope he finishes this project soon. We love you laser!
Thanks for posting this. It's good to see you two together again. I'm so proud of Jeff.
I'm proud of you too! :D*
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